for: junior strategist level
- 5c95854ee25f120017fe27ac
- Extracurricular
- Community
- account planning,category: community,events,for: junior strategist level,uk
- London
- 188654754671
- 0
- 5c8fe4d698451d00177ff1c4
- Resource
- Reference
- Julian Cole
- advice,career,category: reference,for: junior strategist level,for: students
- 189023514641
- 1
- 5d26aa19384f6f0060751153
- Book
- Book
- Edward Boches,Luke Sullivan
- category: book,creativity,for: junior strategist level,guide,ideas
- 179142615154
- 0
- 5ca24fb39f5dbe00171d5fac
- Book
- Book
- Byron Sharp
- brands,category: book,effectiveness,evidence,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals,growth,marketing science,roi
- 187816509373
- 2
- 5cdc720d8b46c4003b408548
- Book
- Book
- APG,Les Binet,Sarah Carter
- account planning,category: book,comms planning,creative briefs,effectiveness,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals,guide,howto,media planning,objectives
- 184006627547
- 2
- 5c8ee036f07495001787e3a6
- Resource
- Reference
- J. Walter Thompson,Stephen King
- account planning,category: reference,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals,guide
- 189090234478
- 5
- 5cd9c646e0a3bc00518ef714
- Book
- Book
- Judie Lannon,Merry Baskin,Stephen King
- account planning,brand planning,category: book,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals
- 184181674058
- 2
- 5d27cbab2d4cd4003beec563
- Book
- Book
- William Zinsser
- category: book,craft,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals,guide,writing
- 179068484863
- 1
- 5cd4b9472fb334005198e233
- Single
- Video
- Russell Davies
- account planning,advice,career,category: video,definitions,for: junior strategist level,for: students
- 184512680869
- 1
- 5cda073027df9f005c157405
- Single
- Article
- Chris Bolman
- category: article,definitions,for: junior strategist level,for: students,frameworks,guide,history,howto
- 184165055818
- 1
- 5d28ba55b02597003b26f2b5
- Book
- Book
- John Caples
- advice,category: book,copywriting,direct response,for: junior strategist level,measurement,testing
- 179007387489
- 1
- 5ca27e889f5dbe00171d5fb8
- Book
- Book
- Jon Steel
- account planning,category: book,for: junior strategist level,fundamentals,memoir
- 187804520486
- 3
- 5d28f920b02597003b26f2bd
- Book
- Book
- Adam Pierno
- account planning,category: book,creative briefs,for: junior strategist level,frameworks,guide,measurement
- 178991312297
- 3
- 5cd9e381f351de003b909db6
- Resource
- Reference
- Clay Parker Jones
- career,category: reference,craft,for: director level,for: heads of strategy,for: junior strategist level,for: senior strategist level,for: strategist level,frameworks,management
- 184174191395
- 1
- 5c8fdb644c399e00175aaf52
- Resource
- Meta
- Natalie Kim
- career,category: meta,database,for: junior strategist level,for: students,industry,internships,jobs
- 189025932032
- 1
- 5c8ffefc98451d00177ff201
- Resource
- Reference
- David J. Carr
- career,category: reference,craft,creative strategy,for: director level,for: heads of strategy,for: junior strategist level,for: senior strategist level,for: strategist level,management
- 189016820620
- 1
- 5cdc6719bbdab20029433e09
- Single
- Article
- BBDO Comms Planning,Larissa Hayden
- brand planning,career,category: article,comms planning,definitions,digital strategy,for: junior strategist level,for: students,media planning
- 184009431663
- 3
- 5cd9e77c02fee20022089a94
- Single
- Presentation
- Julian Cole
- category: presentation,comms planning,definitions,for: junior strategist level,for: students
- 184173172211
- 1
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