- 5ca28e35d5399000175950df
- Book
- Book
- Adam Ferrier
- behavior change,behavioral economics,category: book,frameworks,howto,psychology
- 187798784743
- 1
- 5d2cddac774d060051c3b580
- Book
- Book
- Rory Sutherland
- behavioral economics,brand building,category: book,decision making,for: senior strategist level,ideas,psychology,social issues
- 178734473129
- 0
- 5cd9b23727df9f005c1573f1
- Resource
- Reference
- BJ Fogg
- behavior change,category: reference,psychology
- 184185086250
- 1
- 5cda00fee0a3bc00518ef727
- Book
- Book
- Richard Shotton
- behavioral economics,category: book,cognitive bias,consumer behavior,examples,for: strategist level,psychology
- 184164919139
- 1
- 5d28ef3bec1abc00677cd3ea
- Book
- Book
- Jonah Berger
- behavioral economics,category: book,consumer behavior,for: strategist level,memes,popularity,pr,psychology,social behavior,social media,word of mouth
- 178992121891
- 0
- 5ca28486d5399000175950d2
- Book
- Book
- Phil Barden
- behavioral economics,category: book,consumer behavior,neuroscience,psychology
- 187801263782
- 0
- 5d2cff4987983f00220f6564
- Book
- Book
- Viktor Frankl
- category: book,for: director level,general interest,meaning,memoir,people,philosophy,psychology
- 178725868089
- 0
- 5d28c8302aa1400030e484d6
- Book
- Book
- Faris Yakob
- attention,brands,category: book,creativity,digital,fame,for: strategist level,history,ideas,innovation,media,neuroscience,pr,psychology,theory
- 179002117652
- 1
- 5d2d129e87983f00220f6596
- Book
- Book
- Robert Heath
- attention,category: book,emotion,for: director level,neuroscience,psychology,theory
- 178720919748
- 0
- 5d28d5f10932a20051e75211
- Book
- Book
- Daniel Kahneman
- behavioral economics,category: book,for: strategist level,general interest,psychology
- 178998596804
- 0
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